From the course: Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer

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Basic vs. delight

Basic vs. delight

- I've been researching customer service for myself, for my own business, because I want my customers to love me, recommend me, come back for more work. And when I'd looked into customer service, I found there are hardly any theories at all. And in fact, I found one and that's bizarre. If you look at leadership, there are hundreds of leadership theories. So many books written about what is it that makes a good leader and something like quality, there are loads of theories on quality, cost of quality and things, but customer service, it's like this neglected area that nobody thinks about. And the only theory I found is a good one. I'll admit. And that's what I wanted to show you now. And this theory says that there are two types of customer service, the basics and the delight. So if you think of it as a pyramid, as a triangle, the main body of the pyramid is the core of what you do. So it might be cooking and serving…
