From the course: ZBrush: Tips & Tricks

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When ZBrush stamps out copies of your model

When ZBrush stamps out copies of your model - ZBrush Tutorial

From the course: ZBrush: Tips & Tricks

When ZBrush stamps out copies of your model

- Here's a problem that pops up from time to time and it really vexes ZBrush beginners because there's no obvious way to fix it. It's easier just to show you what I mean, so let's take a look. Okay, this probably happens to me at least once a week where I'm working and then all of a sudden, I try to sculpt, and ZBrush is creating weird copies of my model, sometimes it'll drag out scalable copies or sometimes it'll create dots like this. There's really no clear way of how to fix it. Sometimes all you have to do is go back into Edit Mode, sometimes you accidentally hit T on the keyboard but sometimes this button is grayed out and there's really no obvious way to fix this. The solution to this is go up to Document and click on New Document. That's okay we don't need to save this. It's not actually going to rid of the model, it's just going to get rid of all these stamped copies. Okay, now that we've got that cleared out, we can go to Stroke, switch it to DragRect, drag out a new copy of…
