From the course: ZBrush: Polypaint

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Using masking to paint the octopus

Using masking to paint the octopus - ZBrush Tutorial

From the course: ZBrush: Polypaint

Using masking to paint the octopus

- [Voiceover] I've now given the book a first pass of the green texture, and I'm getting ready to actually add in the additional textures. What I can do at this stage, because the green has actually gone over some of the areas of the octopus, is I can paint in a mask that will make everything work a lot easier for me for all the final other paintings that I'm going to be doing. So I'm going to hold down mask and literally paint in the areas of the octopus. Now what this will allow me to do is reverse the mask so that I can paint in the color of the octopus without interfering with any of the green of the book. I'm going to demonstrate on a small section. And then I can also reverse that to protect the octopus color if I want to do any further detailing of the green. So, I'm going to just add a bit more of the mask on the tentacle, and then tap on my background to reverse. If you find it difficult painting the mask with all the color, what you can do is go down to Colorize and actually…
