From the course: ZBrush: Tips and Tricks

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UV mapping

UV mapping

- UV mapping, if you're not familiar with the concept, is basically the process of mapping a 2D image over a 3D model. Allowing us to add colors, bumps, depth, many other things to our models. And ZBrush has its tools you can use to do these tasks. So let's take a look at how this works. So going into ZBrush, load light box by hitting comma, and then select the demo head. (mouse clicking) And then I'm going to move him closer. So the first tool for doing UV mapping is the UV map. So you can access it from the tool on the menu here or on the side bar if you have tool loaded. And then scroll all the way down to UV map, click on it, and then you can select basically the size of the map that you want. So if you're working in 1024, which is a pretty small map, most of the time people are going to work in 2048 or 4096. For example in substance be default, they're going to use 2048. So basically ask your texture…
