From the course: ZBrush: Sculpting Portraits

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Making the upper eyelids

Making the upper eyelids - ZBrush Tutorial

From the course: ZBrush: Sculpting Portraits

Making the upper eyelids

- The process to make the upper eyelids is very similar to what we just did with the lower eyelids, but with one major difference. Everybody has an eyelid, right here, but on most people, there is this bag that hangs over. So let me just identify that bag right here. This hangs over pretty far, and the upper eyelid actually is tucked up underneath this bag, pretty high. It's not the kind of thing where you can just make a simple crease. This is a major shape with its own volume, so let's see my technique for making it. Let's start off doing just the same thing we did for the lower eyelid. We're gonna zoom in here, adjust my draw size a little bit, and we'll just mask off a space right here above the eyeball just corner to corner, pretty straightforward. Now let's go ahead and invert that selection, Control-click in an open area, and let's go to Masking and Blur Mask five or six times. Let's switch to the Move Brush, b-m-v, and go ahead and pull that down. I'm also looking at my…
