From the course: ZBrush: Tips and Tricks

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BPR settings in depth

BPR settings in depth - ZBrush Tutorial

From the course: ZBrush: Tips and Tricks

BPR settings in depth

- [Instructor] BPR settings allow you to control what render passes you'll generate and also change the settings for a few of these passes, so let's take a look at these settings. So the first thing we're going to do is load a project, so I'm going to click on Lightbox or hit comma, and go into projects, right here, and then go and click on this Earthquake character. I'm going to tap F to make it full screen like so. So render passes are basically render passes that you can send to any programs to make changes to it afterwards. So, for example, if we take a look at the Render section here, and you scroll all the way down to BPR RenderPass, you're going to see the render passes right here, so there's nothing right now into these, because we haven't rendered yet. So let's go ahead and do that, so you can click on the BPR here, which is the same button that you have in the corner right there. Once you have done the render…
