From the course: YouTube Tips Weekly

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Build an audience with social media

Build an audience with social media - YouTube Tutorial

From the course: YouTube Tips Weekly

Build an audience with social media

- All right, now listen up. We got to a lot of work to do if we're going to lay this foundation to build an audience. So grab your hammer and let's hit it! (breaking glass) Ooh, I mis-calibrated that one. (upbeat music) - Building a strong audience on social media is crucial to a successful YouTube channel. And engaging with fans is the fastest and best way to do that. So here are five tips on how to build an audience with social media. Number one, create social media accounts specifically for your channel. Now, I'm sure you already have social media accounts set up and if you're a vlogger, that might already work for you. But, I recommend you set up separate social media accounts mirroring the name of your YouTube channel. This will make it easier for people to not only find your channel's social media pages, but also keep all the posts focused on just your YouTube channel. After all, not everybody wants to see photos of your dog. (upbeat music) You can still promote your videos on…
