From the course: Productivity Hacks for Writers

The three pillars of productive writing

From the course: Productivity Hacks for Writers

The three pillars of productive writing

(upbeat electronic music) - [Instructor] Fundamentally, this course is about how to become a more productive writer. In my research and conversations with other productive writers, I've found that there are three pillars of a productive writing lifestyle. One, mindset: setting up a daily routine that focuses your mind, removes blocks, and quickly gets you into the writing zone. Two, environment: creating a writing space that is conducive to productivity. And three, tools: having the right programs and apps to keep you organized and on task. I've used these three pillars as a blueprint for creating this course. Over the next few sections, we will explore each of these pillars in more detail, as we learn about the specific steps, or hacks, that you can do to become a more productive writer. You might notice as you continue through this course that in my examples, I talk a lot about writing books. That's because I write books, so this is what I know. But I want to emphasize here that all the hacks in this course apply to almost every type of writer: bloggers, journalists, short story writers, screenwriters, students, pretty much anyone who writes regularly and needs to improve their time management and writing productivity.
