From the course: Sell Your Novel to a Major Publisher

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The magic query maximizer (MQM)

The magic query maximizer (MQM)

- [Instructor] Have you ever heard the phrase, don't put all your eggs in one basket? Well, I've coined my own phrase: don't put all your agents in one query. Oftentimes, when I was writing query letters, I would get stuck because I couldn't decide how I wanted to present the information. I would be torn between two snappy intros, or two variations on the final cliffhanger of my short synopsis, or even two very different synopses. Maybe you have one variation of your query letter that's more goofy, or funny, and another that's more serious and professional, and you can't decide which one to go with. Well, here's the good news about the Magic Query Maximizer system of submitting to agents. You don't have to choose, because you're going to let the results choose for you. I truly believe this was my secret to success in finding my first agent, so let's learn how it works. Remember in the query letter section when I told you to write more than one variation of your query letter? Well…
