From the course: Sell Your Novel to a Major Publisher

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The full synopsis

The full synopsis

- [Jessica] There's a good chance that when you query an agent they're going to ask you for a full manuscript of your book. Sometimes, however, instead of asking to read the entire manuscript an agent will ask you for the synopsis of the book and the first three chapters, or first 30 pages. This is so the agent can quickly gauge your writing style and your ability to plot an entire story without having the read the full manuscript. So before you start querying any agents you should have this full synopsis ready to go. Full synopses can be hard for a creative writer to write. I know plenty of successful published authors who still have trouble writing them and still dread having to do it. But, it's an extremely important piece of your submission and it's something that all writers have to do even after they get published. So I highly recommend investing time into learning how to write a good one. The full synopsis should be an even more fleshed out version of your short synopsis and it…
