From the course: Sell Your Novel to a Major Publisher

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Why you need an agent

Why you need an agent

(gentle music) - [Jessica] So now you've written and rewritten and rewritten and you finally have a draft that you think is ready. The feeling I always get at this stage is a conflicting mix of pride and I never want to read this book again for as long as I live. If you're feeling like this then it might be a good indication that you're ready to move on. Any path to selling your novel to a major publisher starts with one word, agent. So let's talk about them. If there's one question I get from authors more than all other questions combined it's this, do I really need an agent? The short answer is yes, you definitely need an agent. Can a novel be sold without one? Yes, it's possible. Do I recommend it? Absolutely not. I'll get into why later on in this section, but first, let's talk about what an agent is and what they do. Literary agents represent authors, they are your liaison and connection with the publishing industry. They negotiate on your behalf, they pitch ideas to publishers…
