From the course: Productivity Hacks for Writers

What to expect from this course

(tranquil music) - I've divided this course into three sections. Hack your brain, hack your space, and hack your devices. In this first section, hack your brain, we'll be exploring proven techniques to build and strengthen your mindset pillar, which includes boosting your brains activity, establishing writing routines that enhance your focus and concentration, and tips and tricks to increase your brains potential so you can get the most out of your designated writing time. In the next section, hack your space, we'll be talking about simple strategies and tips to build and strengthen your environment pillar. So you can create a space that allows your productive and creative lifestyle to flourish. And finally the last section is hack your devices, meaning your computer, tablet, and phone. Don't worry, these aren't real hacks for your computer. No one is going to jail after taking this course. This section covers a handful of tools that can help you implement what you've learned throughout this course. These include strategies, apps, and programs to keep you organized, inspired, and on task. Now I should warn you, some of the hacks you'll learn about in this course are things you can implement instantly, and you'll see immediate results. But some of these hacks will require you to make some small lifestyle changes and form some new habits. Experts say it can take three to six weeks to form a new habit. You'll definitely see results faster than that, but the hacks may not become second nature to you for at least a few weeks. These hacks are simple but they require some effort on your part, so you're going to have to be willing to put in the hard work to see the changes in your productivity that you want. You can't expect different results until you try different things. I'll be honest, there's a lot of information in this course. There are a lot of practical tips, proven strategies, game changing techniques, and even some lifestyle adjustments that I'll be suggesting. Some may seem easy to implement, some may seem more difficult. Do you have to do them all? Of course not, in fact some may not even apply to you. But I'm giving them all to you because I want you to have all the information that I have. I'm sharing every single thing that works for me as a writer. They may not all work for you, because everyone is different. But the more of these hacks that you can apply to your own life the more results you're going to see in your writing productivity, it's just that simple. So I urge you to be open minded, don't write anything off until you've tried it. Experiment, see what works for you. I guarantee implementing at least one of these hacks will improve your writing performance. Implementing more than one may just change your life.
