From the course: Productivity Hacks for Writers

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Space hack #4: Cancel the noise

Space hack #4: Cancel the noise

(light music) - [Jessica] This hack is about noise-canceling headphones. I know these are nothing new. They're not a modern breakthrough in technology, but I've found they work wonders for me so I wanted to include them. As I mentioned, I have four dogs, and sometimes, dogs bark at stuff, stupid stuff like a leaf blowing past the window or a UPS truck delivering a package to the neighbor. And because I don't want to be pulled out of my writing zone and then have it take me 25 minutes to get back in, I use noise-canceling headphones when I write or am working on something that requires my undivided attention. I usually have my Brainwave Entrainment app running on my morning magic phone turned up high to block all the sounds around me. Noise-canceling headphones are great if you like to work in coffee shops or public places. Although I prefer to write at home, sometimes when I'm on the road traveling to promote a book or speak at a conference, I don't have a choice. I have to write in…
