From the course: Develop Blockbuster Story Ideas That Sell

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Proven method #1: Larger than life

Proven method #1: Larger than life

(light music) - [Instructor] Welcome back to our course on creating high-concept ideas that sell. Now that you have a strong understanding and foundation about what a high-concept idea is, it's time to start brainstorming your own. But before we get into the specifics, I want to present some helpful basic tips for brainstorming in general. These can also be found in the PDF handout provided in this section. Brainstorming guidelines. Keep an open mind. Don't self edit or criticize. Just let it all flow. Bad ideas can often lead to good ideas if you follow them through. Write and record everything. You never know when it might be useful later. Keep all your notes in one place like in a notebook, computer document or virtual notebook app like Evernote. Nothing is more frustrating that trying to find that random napkin you jotted down the best idea of your life on. If you get stuck, try talking it out aloud, either by yourself into a voice recorder or voice recording app, or to a…
