From the course: Sell Your Novel to a Major Publisher

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Overview of the agent submission process

Overview of the agent submission process

From the course: Sell Your Novel to a Major Publisher

Overview of the agent submission process

(bright music) - [Narrator] So you've written your query letter, you've done your research, you got your list, and you've broken it down into three categories. Is it finally time to start querying agents? Yes, yes it is. So let's get to it already. Over the years of querying agents and helping other people query agents, I've come up with a handy and highly effective system for managing the submission process and giving your book the best possible chance to find representation. I call it my Magic Query Maximizer, or the MQM. I'm going to share with you this top secret recipe for success in a moment. But first let's review the agent submission process as a whole. For any agent you query, this is generally the way the process will work. Step one, you submit a query letter to an agent, either via email or hard copy depending on their submission guidelines. Although most agents do accept and prefer email queries these days. Step two, you wait, sometimes months, sometimes weeks, sometimes a…
