From the course: Productivity Hacks for Writers

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Device hack #6: Don't break the chain (apps to help you form new habits)

Device hack #6: Don't break the chain (apps to help you form new habits)

From the course: Productivity Hacks for Writers

Device hack #6: Don't break the chain (apps to help you form new habits)

(gentle music) - [Jessica] So throughout this course, I've provided you with a lot of information, a lot of strategies and techniques, and tips for improving your productivity. But as I mentioned a few times, many of these strategies require you to change things about your life. They require you to create new and better habits so you can live a more productive lifestyle. And I know creating new habits isn't easy, especially as we get older. The older we get, the more set in our ways we become. But I'm assuming if you purchased this course, then you're looking for change, you're looking for ways to improve your productivity and maximize your output to get the most out of your day, and that you're willing to do what it takes to get there. At least, I hope so. I hope you're willing to put in the hard work so you can see amazing results. And you will. You'll see amazing results, I know you will. But sometimes you have to make some bigger changes today so that you can be better tomorrow. I…
