From the course: Sell Your Novel to a Major Publisher

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Agent research tool #6

Agent research tool #6

- [Narrator] Publishing networking events and conferences can be a great way to meet other authors, learn more about the book industry, schmooze with publishing professionals, and of course to meet agents in person, and ask them directly what they're looking for, and how they like to be queried. You can get some excellent pointers this way, and if you create an especially good rapport with an agent in person, they might offer you one foot in the door by requesting your query directly. That can go a long way, because when an agent directly requests your query, they'll usually give you specific instructions on how to contact them, like please email me with the subject, met you at such and such networking event. This will help move your query to the top of their review pile. Plus the fact that an agent can put a face to the name on the query, will only improve your chances of being represented. Anything you can do to differentiate yourself from the hundreds of other queries that come…
