From the course: WordPress: Advanced Custom Fields

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What is repeatable data?

What is repeatable data?

- [Instructor] One of the most powerful features of ACF PRO is the repeater field. This field allows you to create a set of sub fields, which, as the name implies, can be repeated. Let's look at a simple example. Let's say you have a recipe website. Most recipes follow a similar format. Necessary ingredients followed by the steps to create the meal. Each set of ingredients is different. You'll have quantities, measurements and items. You'll also have a variable number of ingredients depending on the recipe. We can use a repeater field here to make our recipes more flexible, as well as searchable by setting up one field with sub fields for quantity, measurement and ingredient. We can also select a sub field to show when the row is collapsed, so that it doesn't just look like a blank field. We can set a minimum and maximum number of rows. And we can change the layout. So if you have a lot of fields in this repeater, a table layout might not be the best, but a block layout, where…
