From the course: Technical WordPress SEO (2019)

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- [Instructor] A sitemap lays out all of the content on your site as a way to indicate to both search engine spiders and sometimes visitors to your site, where all of the information exists. Now there are traditionally two types of sitemaps. The HTML sitemap and the XML sitemap. The HTML sitemap is usually for your users and the XML sitemap is used for crawlers. So I'm here on and I want to give you an example of both. If I scroll to the bottom of this site, you'll see a link to Site Map. And this takes me to a page that allows me to navigate the categories and topics, a variety of sections such as All Courses, All Subjects, Languages, and so on. This is an HTML site map. It's here to help users navigate a large website such as The sitemap that is most important when it comes to improving your SEO is your XML sitemap. And traditionally you find that at /sitemap.xml. However, you can look in the…
