From the course: WordPress: Advanced Custom Fields

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Primer on adding to your website - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: WordPress: Advanced Custom Fields

Primer on adding to your website

- [Instructor] Advanced Custom Fields offers us a fantastic avenue for creating additional fields for our post pages and custom post types. It does this through a graphical user interface from within the WordPress dashboard that would take a very long time for us to code on our own. This allows us to easily extend our content and add new types of data to our WordPress sites without needing to code anything. But that's only half of the equation. The other half of the equation is the ability to display this content to the visitors. This is not something that's included in ACF and does require some code. Before we get into exactly how to do this, we should explore why we need to and other available tools that could help reduce the amount of code we need to write. The clearest reason for needing to code our own templates for the newly created fields is that ACF is a plugin that doesn't know anything about our theme. It also doesn't know how we want to display the data. In short, ACF has a…
