From the course: WordPress Content Blocks: Working with Themes

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- [Morten] By watching this course, you now have a clear understanding of how to add Block supports to new themes and how to retrofit older themes to support the new Block editor. The cold snippets and techniques I've showcased here are the same ones you'll use when working on your own themes, and what I've shown you is only the bare minimum of what is possible. Now that you have your bearings, take everything we've covered and run with it to make your themes as Block friendly as possible. If you're looking for more in depth documentation on the features showcased in this course, go check out the Gutenberg Developer Handbook. Here you'll find code examples and further information about how to work with Blocks and even how to create your own Blocks. I love hearing from you about how you use what you've learned in my courses. You can find me on LinkedIn and on Twitter at Mort10 'cause that's my name, where I talk about the web and how it shapes us. Now all that's left for me to say is…
