From the course: Technical WordPress SEO (2019)

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Managing image alt attributes

Managing image alt attributes - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Technical WordPress SEO (2019)

Managing image alt attributes

- [Instructor] As part of your evaluation on the technical makeup of your Wordpress SEO, you'll want to be sure that all of your images are using alt tags. These are incredibly important for accessibility, and they also give search engines the ability to understand the content of an image, since there's no text for it to read. The quickest way to identify your alt tags is to run a crawl, and I've done that, using Screaming Frog, for I've selected the images tab, and then, from the filters, I've selected Missing Alt Text. These are all of the images that don't have any alt attributes assigned to them. And if I select a particular image, I can go down to the bottom, and choose In Links, and I can see where these images exist on the website. In this case, it's showing up on the blog page, as well as the spinach pudding article. It's relatively easy to fix alt attributes within Wordpress. I have gone ahead…
