From the course: WordPress Ecommerce: WooCommerce

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Installing the WooCommerce mobile app

Installing the WooCommerce mobile app

From the course: WordPress Ecommerce: WooCommerce

Installing the WooCommerce mobile app

- [Instructor] The WooCommerce team has been hard at work creating a mobile app and it's now on IOS and Android. I'm going to show you how to use the Android version. I've already installed the app which you can find on the Google Play Store or the app store. And the first thing you have to do is log in with Jetpack. I'll click that button. Go ahead and enter your email address. It might be auto suggested. WooCommerce will send you a magic link to confirm you are the real person who has this email address. I'll go to my email to look for that magic link. Here it is. I'll click. Sign in to I'll enter my verification code if you have two-factor authentication set up. Otherwise, you should automatically be redirected back to the app. Now, you can choose any one of the stores that you've already connected with Jetpack. Here's H+ Sport so I'll click that one and click continue. From here, we can do all sorts of things. One of the features built into the app…
