From the course: Technical WordPress SEO (2019)

Evaluating SEO plugins

- SEO plugins for WordPress are both a blessing and a curse. There is an endless amount of plugins available and it's relatively easy to find an SEO problem that can be solved with a plugin. The problem is that plugins add to the overall bloat of WordPress. And one of the biggest complaints of WordPress is that it can get really bloated, really quickly, which can negatively impact your SEO. Every plugin has its own features, and JavaScript, and options, and elements, that can change how quickly your site loads, how it renders, and there's always the likelihood that plugins negatively impact one another. They may have conflicts. So every time you're faced with an SEO problem, I encourage you, to evaluate whether you really need a plugin or not. Most of what these plugins do, can be handled and managed manually. And it's important to evaluate whether you're simply trying to save time or whether this plugin really does fundamentally shift your SEO in a positive direction. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of great plugins, and we'll look at some together. But it's important that you don't get into a mindset of over using plugins. I really encourage you to think lean when it comes to your plugin use, as that will result, in an overall lighter and faster WordPress instance.
