From the course: Technical WordPress SEO (2019)

Drive bigger exposure on organic search - WordPress Tutorial

From the course: Technical WordPress SEO (2019)

Drive bigger exposure on organic search

- A significant portion of websites run on WordPress. In fact, it's quite likely your own company website runs on WordPress, or you'll end up managing SEO for a site that does. Now, you already know that ranking well can have a serious impact on your bottom line and the technical aspects of your site, things like your page speed, the site markup, URL structure, image optimizations, and so on all contribute significantly to that ability to rank. And the challenge is WordPress offers an endless array of customizations and plugins. So, it comes with its own unique technical challenges to optimize for SEO. Hi, my name is Brad Batesole, and I've done SEO for some of the top traffic websites on the internet,,, LegalZoom and many more. In this course I'll show you tried and true approaches to increasing you rank and boosting your traffic specifically with WordPress. You're going to encounter a different way of managing the technical aspects of SEO and learn how to reach your audience and grow your traffic by incorporating the best aspects of technical SEO. Now, technical SEO sounds overwhelming but don't let the name fool you. You can do this. And from what you'll learn in this course you'll become a better WordPress developer. So, grab your computer, maybe a snack and get ready to learn, let's go.
