From the course: Technical WordPress SEO (2019)

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Domain structure

Domain structure

- I want to briefly discuss the structure of a domain, as well as the use of sub domains, as this is a relatively hot topic in the world of SEO. And given that it's so widely debated, it's probably worth the time to really understand what's going on. So let's talk about what a domain really is. A domain has three parts. There's the Top Level Domain, or TLD, which is,, Then you have the domain name, say salt and simple, or sometimes referred to as the root domain, which would be It includes both the domain and the top level domain. The sub domain is the prefix just before the domain name. So dub dub dub is considered a sub domain, just as and so on, and then the HTTP or HTTPS is the protocol. And this is important, because there are two questions that come up quite a bit. Should I be using sub domains or sub folders, say…
