From the course: WordPress: Custom Post Types and Taxonomies

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Creating custom post types

Creating custom post types

- [Instructor] Custom Post Types UI gives us a robust interface for creating custom post types and taxonomies without the need for writing a bunch of code. Let's start by creating our own business post type. If we click on CPT UI, Add/Edit Post Types, you'll see a number of settings to define a custom post type. Since we don't have any defined yet, we'll be taken directly to the Add New Post Type tab and no other options appear. We're going to take a look at the basic settings first. These are required. The additional labels, which we'll look at later, are optional, because they can be determined from the basic settings. Let's go ahead and create a simple post type called business. We'll fill in the post type slug, which will be used for various queries as well as the URL. We'll add the plural label which will be businesses and we'll add the singular label which will be business. These are the only required settings so we can add the post type. Once we do add the post type, you'll…
