From the course: WordPress Ecommerce: WooCommerce

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Consolidating multichannel shipping

Consolidating multichannel shipping

From the course: WordPress Ecommerce: WooCommerce

Consolidating multichannel shipping

- [Instructor] As your business gets larger, or you start selling in mulitple marketplaces, you don't want to have to check multiple websites to see what packages you have to ship. Instead, you may want to have a piece of software that aggregates all those orders into one place. Going into detail in this process is a little bit out of scope of this course, but I want to provide you with some resources in case you think this may apply to you. There are a ton of these services that integrate with WooCommerce and ShipStation is one of the more well-known services. They automatically pull all of your orders into one interface which lets you mark items as shipped, print shipping labels, and get discount shipping prices. And all this information travels back to WooCommerce so it's in both places. Shippo is another well-known service which also has an integration with DHL which is a bit hard to find. So if you need DHL, I'd look into this service. Another popular option is ShippingEasy…
