From the course: WordPress: Building Child Themes

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Challenge: Custom 404 page

Challenge: Custom 404 page

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] I love custom 404 pages. They help users get where they want, and you can even show a little bit of humor. Even big companies, like Lego, don't have to be super technical or jargony. Just tell people there's nothing here and try to help them get where they wanted. For this challenge, I want you to make a very clear and helpful 404 page. You need to know how WordPress loads templates to find the right file for that 404 page. Once you find the right file, use HTML, CSS and PHP to make a useful 404 page. If you want to find your 404 page on your site, just type in anything after your domain. I actually like typing in 404. Let's see what you can come up with.
