From the course: Creating a Short Film: 02 Writing

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Studying Hollywood prologues

Studying Hollywood prologues

- When we wrote the original Assurance narration with Teani, we had no idea what we were doing. And after re-editing the film when we re-wrote the narration with Cordea's voice, we still didn't know what we were doing. I remembered that having an expositional narration is a common trope of big fantasy films. So, I decided that I would research the prologues and voice-overs of well-made, professional films to see how they did things. Now, it's important to understand that I wasn't shirking my duties as a creator, I wasn't looking for stuff to copy. I was studying them. Looking for ways that they handled specific challenges. Personally, I think research or looking at reference material, these are great ways to understand how things work. People with bigger budgets and more talent have already asked and answered a lot of the questions that you probably have. You don't have to use the same answers, necessarily, but you can be inspired by their choices. Also, studying what they did can…
