From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Start Word in safe mode

Start Word in safe mode

- [Instructor] Well I'm hoping you'll never need to use this week's Word Tip, but on that rare occasion when Microsoft Word becomes unstable and you're unable to launch it and access the document you need to work on, this tip may come in handy. It allows you to launch Microsoft Word in safe mode, similar to what you might do with Windows when it becomes unstable. It launches Word without the add-ins which often cause problems. This is how we do it. First of all, with Word closed here in Windows, we're going to go to the keyboard and use a keyboard shortcut, the Windows Key plus the letter r as in run. Give it a tap. This is going to launch the run dialog. You'll see the last command you used here in the Open field, and what you want to do is type over whatever's there the following command: winword, a space, the slash, another space and then the word safe. Winword space slash space safe is the command that's going to launch Microsoft Word without the add-ins, in other words in safe…
