From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Reduce file size by compressing images

Reduce file size by compressing images

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Reduce file size by compressing images

- [Instructor] When creating Word Documents that contain many image files, suddenly the size of your file can grow to the point where it gets out of hand. In fact, perhaps you're trying to attach a Word Document to an email to send it off to somebody and your email program won't let you because of file restrictions. Well, there is a trick to get around it. If you have a Word Document like our Best of Landon Hotel Guide 037 document here that has many images in it, you can compress those image files in the document before saving it and sending it off. That's what we're going to do in this weeks Word tip. Now currently, the size of this file if you have the exercise files you'll see. It's 3711 kilobytes, that's the total file size for this Word Document. But we're going to save it to a different location and we're going to change one option. Click File, choose Save As. We'll choose a different location by clicking Browse. I'm going to put it right on the Desktop where it's easy to find.…
