From the course: Cert Prep: Word Expert - Microsoft Office Specialist for Office 2019

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Manage recipient lists for mail merges

Manage recipient lists for mail merges

- [Narrator] A key component of a mail merge document is the recipient list. After watching this video, you'll know how to create a recipient list within the document, use an Excel worksheet as your recipient list, or use an Outlook contact list. Let's take a look at our recipient document, and it's the beginning of a mail merge document. On the Mailings tab, we go to Select Recipients. Type a New List is the first option, so if you don't have a list saved anywhere else, you'll come in and insert the information step by step. So, for the company that I am going to go ahead and put in, I need to tab over to Company Name. At this point in time, I don't have the First and Last Name, but I can always come back in and add it later. The company is Zino Letti's, and I do have an Address. I'll keep tabbing over, I don't have an Address 2, so I'll go to City, and they're in Iowa in 50320. The one thing I'm not seeing is an account…
