From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Create and print a single envelope

Create and print a single envelope

From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

Create and print a single envelope

- [Instructor] On occasion, you may need to print out a Word document to send it via old fashioned mail, which means stuffing it into an envelope. Well, on the envelope you could take a pen and write down the address, return address, or for a more professional look and feel, you might consider letting Word take care of the envelope and printing it right to your own printer. That's what we're going to do in this week's Word tip. Print out a single envelope. Now, it could be used with the document like the document I have open right now, you can see the name up here if you have the exercise files, Envelopes064. Open up this file and you'll see what I see, which includes a name and an address right here at the top of the letter, actually. Well, Word's smart enough to recognize that and use it. There was a time, and don't follow along right now, where you could go to File, New, to create a new blank document and turn it into an envelope by going up to Layout and then going to the arrow in…
