From the course: The Best of Word Tips Weekly

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Brainstorm with Click and Type

Brainstorm with Click and Type

- [Instructor] In this week's Word tip we're going to explore a feature not everyone's aware of and many people have forgotten, it's called click and type. And it can come in handy in many scenarios including the one we're going to explore here, brainstorming, you can see brainstorming energy according to the title in this document, brainstorming 708 if you have the exercise files. If not, not to worry, work with your own document, a blank page even. Let's go to the view tab and make sure we can see the entire page by clicking one page. Now seeing the entire page, we can start brainstorming. Brainstorming on the topic of energy. Let's say we want energy right down here in the center of our page. Well we could click at the end here, start pressing enter a bunch of times then maybe we might need to change the alignment to center. But you may have noticed that when we move our mouse pointer around for example over here on the left side of the page, there's a little icon next to the…
