From the course: Windows 7: Networking and Security

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User account control

User account control

All right, user account control is a very powerful component of Windows 7. This is just an introduction to user account control. Mike Danseglio, one of our other instructors is the guru on user account control so I won't steal his thunder. What I will do is give you a sense of what user account control is and how it works in Windows 7. User account control was first introduced with Vista and was probably a very maligned element of the operating system because it was ever present and it slowed down your ability to operate unless you knew how to configure and use it. Windows 7, greater flexibility, greater importance placed upon user account control and you need to understand it. This module is again just an introduction to the understanding in basic configuration of user account control. Every time you attempt to launch an application that needs elevated rights. In most cases we talk it the rights that you would give to an administrator whether it's an enterprise administrator, a local…
