From the course: Working with Computers and Devices

Check spelling and grammar

From the course: Working with Computers and Devices

Check spelling and grammar

- [Narrator] When you're working on a document, Word automatically checks for proper spelling and grammar, which helps contribute to your documents looking and sounding more professional. Word auto-corrects a lot of commonly misspelled words as you type them, and it also highlights words that thinks may be misspelled. You'll see a squiggly red line like this one appear under potentially misspelled words, and words or phrases that may be grammatically incorrect or vague will have these double blue underlines. Just right click an underlined word to see a list of potential corrections. If one of the suggestions you see is correct, just select it and it will instantly be changed in your document. If you'd like to review all of the spelling and grammar corrections at once, go to the review tab and here click editor. That opens the editor pane to the right, which contains suggested corrections and refinements to help improve your writing. This allows you to move through the suggestions in the document one at a time. I can see there are a total of six suggestions that it's making in this document. One spelling suggestion and five grammar suggestions. So I can select spelling. That jumps me to the next misspelled word that it finds. And again, if you agree with one of these suggested fixes, you can just select it to make that change. In this case, honors would be correct. But we can also choose to ignore once, which moves you to the next suggestion. Or you can choose ignore all to have Word ignore a misspelling throughout the entire document. This can be useful if it flags someone's name as a misspelling, for example, and you don't want it highlighted as a misspelling throughout the entire document. There's also the option here to add the spelling to Word's internal dictionary so it won't flag this as a misspelling in other documents either. But in this case, this is definitely a misspelling, so I'm going to make my change by selecting it. And you can see now I fixed all of the spelling issues as far as Word is concerned. Next I can move on to grammar. It jumps to the word support, and you can see it currently says this mission statements support the creation. That should definitely be supports. So I could select that there to make that change. And it jumps to the next one. Notice when checking grammar, we also have the ignore once option here. By clicking that, it jumps to the next issue. With potential grammatical issues, you can also expand this area here at the top of the pane to see where it's grammar advice. Of course you should always proofread your documents yourself, but Word's built in spelling and grammar proofing can help you fix or improve your writing as well.
