From the course: Server Administration Essential Training

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Performance management

Performance management

- [Instructor] One very specific aspect of Server Management has to do with keeping track of how well that server is performing. So again, there are many different performance monitoring tools out there but let me just kind of show you some of the performance management capabilities that you have in windows server. If I go back to my task manager, which we were just looking at in the last video, so I'll right click on the task bar, go back to task manager. One of the tabs at the top is the performance tab. So I'll click on that. And let me tell you, when it comes to performance on any computer, there are many, many, many different aspects of performance but everything always breaks down into four general areas of performance. And we can see three of them here. There's always the processor which that's what I'm seeing here with CPU, there's memory, there's your network, and the fourth one which we don't get to see…
