From the course: Windows Server 2019: File Services

Create a quota template - Windows Server Tutorial

From the course: Windows Server 2019: File Services

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Create a quota template

- The quota management section of the file server resource manager allows you to establish limits on how much data your users can store out on your servers. So, to take a look at this, here I am on a member server where I've already installed the file server resource manager. To access it, here in the server manager we have to go up to the tools menu and we will see the files server resource manager. In here you'll see quote management. Which if I expand it you will see it's broken down into two different areas. What I want to go over here is the quota templates section. When I click on it, you'll see that there's a number of templates that are already installed by default with the tool. But if I want to create another template of my own, I simply right click on the words quota templates and select create quote template. And here before I go into any of the details, I want to show you one real neat thing when you are creating a template. You'll see here right at the top, says that you have the ability to copy the properties from any other quota template. So if there was an existing template. Right, so if I look at my list and if there was something that was, maybe close to what I was looking for I could go ahead and I could select it, click copy. Everything would populate and I would only have to tweak it to make a new template. But here I'm going to show you how to do it from scratch. Okay so the first thing is give it a name. So we'll just do something simple like demo quota template. We could give it a description if it needed one. If we wanted to give kind of a queue to our selves when we are looking at the template, what this template would do. Next we have to decide on what is the actual space limit going to be. The default here is 100 megabytes. If I click the arrow next to megabytes, you'll see here that I can put a limit as small as kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes or terabytes. And for the sake of the demonstration I'll go ahead and leave it at 100 megabytes. The next thing we have to decide is whether we're going to do a hard or a soft quota. Now this is important. A hard quota means that once the users hit that limit that's it. They're done, they cannot save any more data. It's almost as though it a actual 100 megabyte hard drive and that's it. A soft quota will allow the user to exceed the limit. And you will see here it says "use only for monitoring." Now some people think to themselves "well why would I set a quota only to allow users to break through it?". Well depending on what your users are doing, if it's mission critical you may not want that business to stop. You may only want to be notified. Okay so that's where a soft quota would come into play. Now for this demonstration I'm going to go ahead and make it a hard quota. And the next section on here is the notification threshold. And this is exactly what I was just talking about. Where you can be notified. So let me go ahead and click on add and here it defaults to 85%, would be a default notification threshold. And I'm going to leave it at that number. And you'll see here that we can receive an email message when this happens. We can have an event log entry created. We can go head and run an actual command or script. And or we can go ahead and generate a report. For this demonstration, I'm going to simply tell it to send a warning to the event log and I'll click okay. And I'm going to, real quick here, I'm going to create an additional threshold. I'm going to change this to 100%. And again, send a warning to the event log. And I'll click okay. And I will get to see this later on in another video what the difference between the 85 and 100% are. At this point there's nothing else to do on the screens. I'll click okay and you'll notice that on the list of quota templates, if I go about half way down you'll see that I now have a new one called demo quota template. And it tells me that it's a 100 megabyte template with a hard quota. That is how you create a quota template.
