From the course: UX Insights Weekly

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What do accessibility specialists do?

What do accessibility specialists do?

From the course: UX Insights Weekly

What do accessibility specialists do?

- [Instructor] What counts as a normal person? There's no such thing but often, we design our products with some ideal user in mind. Of course, our vision of the ideal person is probably someone quite like us. That means we end up designing software that relies on being able to see, hear, touch, speak, or think about things in a certain way. But not everyone has the same range of abilities. Accessibility specialists bring knowledge about how certain environments, activities, and situations can make it hard for people to use your product or service, and how to accommodate those people's needs. The traditional sign for disability is a person using a wheelchair. And adaptations for physical mobility issues, like different input methods, are a large part of accessibility, but not the only part. People who have limited or no vision may use assistive technology like screen readers and Braille pads to help them interact…
