From the course: UX Insights Weekly

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What is a co-discovery usability session?

What is a co-discovery usability session?

From the course: UX Insights Weekly

What is a co-discovery usability session?

- [Instructor] When a couple are looking to buy a house, they probably look at listings online together to decide which properties they want to visit. They're both going to research neighborhoods, mortgages, and all the other stuff that comes with that process. So it makes no sense to run a usability study of that type of process with just one participant. Instead, we need to watch how two or more people interact with the system and with each other to reach their goal. This is where co-discovery usability sessions come in. Whenever the tasks your software is designed for involve more than one person, like in knowledge work, or when friends, partners, or family members work together, co-discovery sessions help you to understand how well your software supports the decision-making process. The setup is very similar to a regular usability study session. You provide the system that your participants will use, and you provide a…
