From the course: Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End

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Development approaches

Development approaches

- Developers approach how they program in a variety of ways, and some of these are related to the specific language they use. Now, although all browsers use HTML, CSS and JavaScript, how that combination of languages is arrived at isn't always straight forward. There's alternatives to these three, but you might be asking yourself, why would I want to write in a language other than these three? Well, the reason is, other languages offer more efficient solutions than these core three languages. Now, case in point, if you look at this SAS code, it generates an infinite amount of CSS code for buttons based on a list of colors. Now, you could spend more time writing and updating your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, or you could use a language like this that gets compiled into something else, in this case, CSS. Now, a lot of languages, like SAS, are ways of simplifying one of the core languages, and will then translate into…
