From the course: Creative Insights: Local Projects Interactive Media Designers

Creating human connection through innovation

From the course: Creative Insights: Local Projects Interactive Media Designers

Creating human connection through innovation

Male 1: One of the important things about local projects, is, I mean, we're not super big, we're just 35 people. But you have software engineers, sitting next to sound engineers, sitting next, to graphic designers. And that's really important, that, the cross-disciplinary nature of our studio, is reflected, in how we're physically organized. And it also opens up our studio to be a lot more creative. We think about how new technologies, can further people's connections, to the world, at large and to each other. We look at technology, we look at new opportunities. We certainly ,are up to date ,on the latest algorithms ,that have been written and the way that certain languages, can forward, our capacities. Often times, I will say, in meetings' what's the craziest thing that you can do?' Don't think about the limitations, don't think about the client requests. Don't think about the timelines. I mean, that's important ,but ,let's just take half ,a second to do a thought experiment. If you could do anything, if you could just tap, any type of technology and really achieve something, amazing and incredible. What would that thing be? So, you start with that. Then we start to curate, and edit, and connect with the client which ideas might be most effective. The biggest challenge with innovation, is, how do you bring it, forth in a way, that actually, produces ,an emotional connection. What that allows us to do, is to both touch people on a deeper level ,than any technology, specifically can, but also create installations or engagements that age well. When we launched ,TimeScapes, it was the biggest high def theater, that had ever been launched. Because, of the fact that we had three different, high def screens, running simultaneously and that was awesome and we got press out of that and that was great. Nobody, goes there now and mistakes it for a cutting edge experience. However, it's still super satisfying. Digital technologies, if done right, can create, a long term relationship. Clearly for us, the best case scenario is to catalyze, individual visitors, into evangelists, for the museums themselves. The fact that people are hungry, to make things and then to share the things, that they make, whether it's photos of family events, or whether it's a meal that they've cooked, and that they want to share. Museums are like that, people go, really looking for material that reflects, them, and that advances them. And so, the more that we can, develop systems, that help people, to identify themselves, within it, the more vital and meaningful that museum experience can be.
