From the course: What Comes Next is the Future: Creating the Web

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You can change it

You can change it

- No matter who you are, no matter what your level of experience is, the nice thing about the evolving open web is that you can jump in, teach yourself, find resources, and the more you get involved, the more I'm sure your contributions are welcome. - Watching people learn the web, and seeing them look under the hood and that excitement that they have when they inspect element on something and then seeing how the web is affecting people that may not have fully understood how powerful it is, that's one of my most favorite things. - To play and to explore and to delve and if there's something that's interesting or intriguing, to go and dive in there and really look at it and really figure it out and really play with it and see what you come up with. See what you get drawn to solving and you might come up with something amazing. - I think it's going to be really fun. Really fun. What happens next is fun. - You know, the beauty of the web is that there's so much that can be done here…
