From the course: The DOM in JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, and React


- Hi, I am Christian Hur, IT web instructor and a veteran web developer. Welcome to this course all about the document object model, or DOM. Join me as I take you beyond just building websites. First, we will start off by taking a closer look at the most important component of any webpage, the document object model, or the DOM. Next, I will give you a first hand look at how to interact with the DOM, as we take a walk a down the DOM tree, using the browser based, web developer tools. And we will see how JavaScript is used in conjunction with the DOM API to create dynamic and interactive web applications. Then, we will take a different approach in updating the DOM with AngularJS, as I show you how to leverage the power of Angular to update the DOM using the MVC, or model view controller framework. Finally, we will look at an emerging and lightening fast DOM manipulation web technology called ReactJS. I am excited and I hope you are too. So lets get started.
