From the course: What Comes Next is the Future: Creating the Web

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Flexible by default

Flexible by default

- The web is flexible by default, right? I mean it's able, if nobody designed it, if nobody showed up for work tomorrow and we were just serving plain HTML text documents to the entire internet, any screen, any device that understood HTML would be able to understand them. You know, it's the designers and the developers that kind of bring extra complexity to this medium. John Allsopp was talking about this, you know back in 2001, where he was basically saying that this is this medium that has an ebb and flow to it. This is this truly flexible, completely adaptive medium, and we should design for that. - The web has its own inherit nature that is unique, that it's flexibility is something that we don't see anywhere else. The web sort of requires that we control as much as we can up until the point that we realize we have to relinquish control, and that we have to let the content be consumed the way our users want to consume that content, or need to consume that content. - Ever since the…
