From the course: Vue.js 2 Essential Training

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Testing your module installations

Testing your module installations

From the course: Vue.js 2 Essential Training

Testing your module installations

- [Instructor] Let's make sure our installations are working by modifying our App.vue file, to use some of the things that we're bringing in. So I'm going to get rid of this image, 'cause we're no longer going to need the image. And what I'll do here is I'll add some Bootstrap classes to make sure that Bootstrap is properly working. So we'll add a container, and a margin top of five, just to give the first text that I put in a little bit of breathing room from the top. So, container makes the content inside responsive in Bootstrap, and it makes it adhere to certain break points. So I'm not using HelloWorld anymore, so I'm going to type in an h-1 here, I'll put in My Shop here, and then a paragraph, and I'll just type in some text here. Alright, so I'll add some classes here, to make sure my animation is working. So, animated, and then I'll say FadeInRight to fade this in from the right, using the animate.cs' library. Then finally I'm going to use the font awesome component. So I'm…
