From the course: Creating Flowcharts for Beginners

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- [Narrator] When you're ready to enhance the value of your flowcharts, to move beyond simply displaying boxes with text on them, you'll want to explore the data handling capabilities of your flowcharting software. In Visio, the key is knowing two things, first that Visio shapes can contain data and second, that Visio includes a special window that allows you to view and edit shape data. To open the shape data window, right click any shape, select Data, and then Shape Data. The first time you open the Shape Data window, it will probably be floating over the diagram. You can resize it by dragging the edges, click the header, to move it to a different location on the page, or click the header and drag to one of the four edges in order to dock the window. Because I work with data in just about every Visio diagram, I like to dock the window on the right, expand it to the appropriate size and that way I always have the shapes window…
