From the course: Video Data Management on Set and in the Field

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On-set monitoring

On-set monitoring

- Having an external monitor on set can be really useful. Now, there are a wide range of formats that this can take. Sometimes they use a simple second screen that powers via USB 3 and connects directly to the computer, but in this case, I'm using a more professional monitor. Now this is not a high-end video monitor. Rather, it's just a simple 4K computer display, but it can serve several purposes on set. Remember, you probably have critical video monitors on set, but it's important that you have a monitor for purposes of managing the data and allowing others to see it. Here's how. So in this case, what I've done here, I'll twirl it around so you can see, is easily adapted this monitor. We've removed the Standard base that attaches and took a visa mount type mount here. This one's from Tether Tools, and it just connects in the back, much like how you would mount a high-definition television to the wall. But this one has a simple peg allowing us to just drop it right on top of the…
