From the course: Social Media Video Strategy: Weekly Bites

Why video?

- I'd like to begin this series by talking a bit about why you should probably be working with video in your social media strategy, no matter what part of the professional world you work in. Let's first start by zeroing in on some key reasons that video is one of the most dynamic forms of online content. One, video grabs your attention. From the beginning of time, humans have evolved so that our eyes are super sensitive to movement, so when you're talking about things like a social media feed, videos can attract attention more strongly and deeply than static images or text. Two, video is the most dynamic multimedia messaging tool there is. Obviously, it's highly visual, and can include a multitude of video types and approaches. It's also auditory, and allows you to use speech, music, and sound effects. It can also contain dynamic text and graphics, allowing you to display a lot of information quickly and efficiently. All of this means that video lets you capitalize on people's various learning styles. Some are visual learners, some auditory, some need to read information, and some are doers where they need to actually perform a task as they learn. Video has the ability to encapsulate each of these learning styles. Three, video strategies can include so many different styles of content when it comes to social media, including things like interviews, explainer videos, how-to videos, performances, webinars, and so much more. You've probably seen each of these countless times, and in this series, we'll talk about how you can capitalize on these in various contexts. Four, video is the best way to communicate human emotion, and emotion sells. There is a famous statistic that says that 93% of human communication is nonverbal. That means that human personality and intentions and feelings are best expressed when you can actually see a person interact, which video does very well. Five, video has the amazing potential to be real time. Now that many social media platforms are making it possible for you to broadcast live, you're able to connect intimately and immediately with your audience whenever you want. And beyond all of that, there are so many statistics that show how using video in social media messaging just works. Video makes up nearly 80% of all web traffic. Additionally, many platforms prioritize video in their listing algorithms, so including video can help you reach your potential audience. Already nearly 90% of online marketers are currently using video content in their marketing strategies, and doing so translates into results. For example, when you add video to marketing emails, it can boost click-through rates by 200 to 300%. Embedding videos in landing pages can increase conversion rates by 80%. Nearly 60% of company decision-makers would rather watch a video than read an article or blog post. And 90% of customers say that product videos help them make purchasing decisions. There are countless statistics like this. So these are just a few of the reasons that video is so powerful. But as clear as many of these reasons are, if you don't have the tools to learn how to use it, video strategy can seem daunting. So over the course of this series, we'll be digging into all of the whats, whys, and hows for using video in ways that make sense for your own social media strategy.
